This week Leonvo launched its Xiaomi Mi Max competitor, a big screen smartphone PHAB 2 Plus in India. The device was first unveiled at the Lenovo Tech World 2016 in San Francisco back in June. Continue reading “Weekly Roundup: Lenovo PHAB 2 Plus, Moto M, BlackBerry Android Phones, Astrum Drones and more”
Tag: hyve
Hyve Buzz Review
Over the last few years we’ve seen the old guard get left behind as new entrants try and make their presence felt in the Indian smartphone market. While the Chinese have increasingly made inroads, today we’re going to take a look at a device from a new Indian brand. Called Hyve, the Delhi based company launched two new devices recently. Here’s our review of the Hyve Buzz, the higher end of the two devices. Continue reading “Hyve Buzz Review”
Weekly Roundup: OnePlus 3, Xiaomi Redmi 3X, Redmi 3s, Meizu m3s, Microsoft Xbox One S and more
This week OnePlus launched its much-awaited flagship OnePlus 3 smartphone globally. It is the fourth smartphone by the company and third flagship smartphone since the inception in 2013. Continue reading “Weekly Roundup: OnePlus 3, Xiaomi Redmi 3X, Redmi 3s, Meizu m3s, Microsoft Xbox One S and more”
Hands on with the Hyve Mobility Buzz and Storm
At an event in New Delhi, we witnessed the launch of a new brand called Hyve Mobility. As part of its initial offering, the company plans to introduce two devices that sit within the highly lucrative sub 15,000 rupee price segment. Called the Hyve Buzz and Storm, the phones promise a lot to the price conscious buyer. We spent a bit of time with both and here’s what we thought of the phones. Continue reading “Hands on with the Hyve Mobility Buzz and Storm”