iBall has officially launched the Andi 5L and 5Li, the company’s latest Android smartphones. The iBall Andi 5L went on sale earlier this month, and the Andi 5Li appeared on the official website at the same time. Both these phones have a 5-inch WVGA (480×800 pixels) display and powered by a dual-core 1GHz Cortex A9 processor. The Andi 5L runs on Android 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich) and the Andi 5Li comes with Android 4.1 (Jelly Bean). These phones would also have dual SIM support. The Andi 5L comes with Stylus support. Continue reading “iBall Andi 5L and 5Li officially launched for Rs. 10490”
Tag: iBall Andi 5L price
iBall Andi 5L with 5-inch display gets priced at Rs. 10490, Andi 5Li coming soon
iBall Andi 5L, the company new Android smartphone in the Andi series is priced at Rs. 10,490 on online retail site Flipkart. This would be the company’s second Android smartphone with a 5-inch display after the Andi 5c that was released last August. Andi 5Li, an upgraded version of the Andi 5L has been spotted on the official iBall website. Both the Andi 5L and the 5Li would come with a 5-inch WVGA (480×800 pixels) display and powered by a dual-core 1GHz Cortex A9 processor. The Andi 5L runs on Android 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich) and the Andi 5Li is expected to come with Android 4.1 (Jelly Bean) on-board. These phones would also have dual SIM support. The Andi 5L would come with a Stylus. Continue reading “iBall Andi 5L with 5-inch display gets priced at Rs. 10490, Andi 5Li coming soon”