Last week we were at the Idea Cellular’s Mumbai office for the launch of Idea 3G Dual Sim smartphone iD-918 priced at Rs. 5994. This is Idea’s 3rd Android smartphone launched in India and it runs on Android 2.3 (Gingerbread). We managed to get the first unboxing of Idea iD-918 and also played with this nice looking device. Continue reading “Idea ID-918 Dual SIM 3G Smartphone Hands-on and Unboxing”
Tag: Idea ID-918
Idea launches ID-918 Dual SIM 3G Android Smartphone for Rs. 5,994
Idea Cellular has launched ID-918, their new Dual-SIM 3G Android Smartphone. It has 3.2 inch (320 x 480 pixels) capacitive touch screen display and runs on Android 2.3 ( Gingerbread). It has 3.2 MP camera. They launched their first 3G Android smartphones Idea Blade and Idea ID 280 last year. Continue reading “Idea launches ID-918 Dual SIM 3G Android Smartphone for Rs. 5,994”