Infinix today launched the Hot 12 Play, the company’s latest budget smartphone in India, as it had announced. The phone packs a 6.82-inch HD+ display with 90Hz refresh rate, an 8MP camera inside the punch-hole, 90.66% screen-to-body ratio, is powered by Unisoc T610 SoC with 4GB of RAM, 3GB of virtual RAM and features a 13MP rear camera along with a depth sensor. Continue reading “Infinix Hot 12 Play with 6.82″ HD+ 90Hz display, Unisoc T610 SoC, 6000mAh battery launched at an introductory price of Rs. 8499”
Tag: Infinix Hot 12 Play
Infinix Hot 12 Play with 6.82″ 90Hz display, 6000mAh battery expected to launch in India on May 23
Infinix introduced the Hot 12 Play smartphone in the Hot 12 series last week. Now, the company is expected to launch the phone in India on May 23rd. This will come soon after the launch of Note 12 series next week. This will offer enhanced features and more premium additions, making it possibly the best smartphone available in the price segment, according to the company. Continue reading “Infinix Hot 12 Play with 6.82″ 90Hz display, 6000mAh battery expected to launch in India on May 23”