Infinix just launched the HOT 20 Play and HOT 20 5G smartphones in the Hot 20 series in India, as it had promised. The HOT 20 5G is the first phone in the HOT series to launch with support, and it has support for 12 5G bands. Continue reading “Infinix HOT 20 Play and HOT 20 5G launched in India starting at an introductory price of Rs. 8999”
Tag: Infinix HOT 20 5G
Infinix HOT 20 5G with 120Hz FHD+ display launching in India on December 1
Update: Infinix has confirmed the launch of HOT 20 5G in India on December 1st. Since it mentions it as the HOT 20 series, we can also expect the HOT 20 Play alongside. Continue reading “Infinix HOT 20 5G with 120Hz FHD+ display launching in India on December 1”