Infinix has launched INBook X1 Slim series laptops in India, as it had announced. These feature a 14-inch FHD screen, come in three processor variants in three processor variants i3 (8 GB + 256 GB | 8GB+512 GB), i5 (8 GB + 512GB |16GB+512 GB), and the top speed i7 (16GB+512 GB), feature an Aluminium alloy finish weighing 1.24kg, and is just 14.8mm thin. Continue reading “Infinix INBook X1 Slim launched in India starting at Rs. 29990”
Tag: Infinix INBook X1 Slim price
Infinix INBook X1 Slim launching in India on June 15
After teasers, Infinix has confirmed the launch of INBook X1 Slim, the company’s second laptop in India on June 15th, after the launch of INBook X1 in the country last year. The company has confirmed aluminium alloy metal body in Grey, Blue, Green and Red colours, 65W fast charging and said that it will be the slimmest and lightest in the segment. Continue reading “Infinix INBook X1 Slim launching in India on June 15”