Infinix has launched INBook X2 Plus, the company’s latest laptop in India, as it had announced. It has a 15.6-inch FHD screen, come in three processor variants in three processor variants 11th Gen i3 (8 GB + 256 GB | 8GB+512 GB), i5 (8 GB + 512GB), and the top speed i7 (16GB+512 GB). It features an Aluminium alloy finish weighing 1.58kg, and is just 14.9mm thin. Continue reading “Infinix INBook X2 Plus launched starting at Rs. 32990”
Tag: Infinix INBook X2 Plus
Infinix INBook X2 Plus and 43Y1 TV launching in India on October 12
Update: Infinix has confirmed the launch of INBOOK X2 Plus on October 12th. It has also confirms 15-inch FHD screen with 300 nits brightness, FHD front camera with LED flash and 50Wh battery with 65W Type-C fast charging. Continue reading “Infinix INBook X2 Plus and 43Y1 TV launching in India on October 12”