Infinix just launched the Note 40 Pro 5G and Pro+ 5G smartphones in India, as it had promised. Both the phones pack a 6.78-inch FHD+ 120Hz 55° 3D curved 120Hz AMOLED display, Corning Gorilla Glass protection, unibody MDA (metal device antenna) design, 108MP camera with OIS, and 3x Lossless Superzoom camera. Continue reading “Infinix Note 40 Pro 5G and Pro+ 5G with 6.78″ FHD+ 120Hz AMOLED display, up to 100W fast charging, Wireless MagCharge launched in India”
Tag: Infinix Note 40 Pro+ 5G
Infinix Note 40 Pro 5G Series to launch in India on April 12
Infinix has confirmed the launch of Note 40 Pro 5G Series in India on April 12th. There is an exclusive early bird sale for a limited period in which buyers get MagCase and MagPower worth Rs. 4,999. Continue reading “Infinix Note 40 Pro 5G Series to launch in India on April 12”
Infinix Note 40 Pro+ and Pro 5G with 6.78″ FHD+ 120Hz curved AMOLED display, up to 100W fast charging, Note 40 Pro and Note 40 announced
Inifinix has introduced its Note 40 series phones that include its Note 40 Pro+ and Pro 5G smartphones, Note 40 Pro and Note 40 4G smartphones globally. Continue reading “Infinix Note 40 Pro+ and Pro 5G with 6.78″ FHD+ 120Hz curved AMOLED display, up to 100W fast charging, Note 40 Pro and Note 40 announced”