Infinix has unveiled its new Smart 6 smartphone in India today. The Smart 6 is a budget smartphone with basic hardware specs that is aimed at first-time smartphone customers. The latest Smart Series device comes with a big HD+ display and a 13MP camera. A MediaTek Helio A22 processor as well as a 5000mAh battery to drive the device. Continue reading “Infinix Smart 6 with 6.6″ HD+ display, 64GB storage, 5000mAh battery launched in India for Rs. 7499”
Tag: Infinix Smart 6 India launch date
Infinix Smart 6 with 6.6″ HD+ display, 64GB storage, 5000mAh battery launching in India on April 27
After teasers, Infinix has confirmed the launch of Smart 6, the company’s new budget Android 11 Go Edition phone and the successor to Smart 5 in the Smart series in India on April 27th. The company has confirmed 6.6-inch HD+ screen with 500 nits brightness, which it says is the biggest and the brightest in the segment. It also says that it is the first phone in the segment to feature 64GB of storage. Continue reading “Infinix Smart 6 with 6.6″ HD+ display, 64GB storage, 5000mAh battery launching in India on April 27”