Infinix just launched the Smart 7, the company’s latest budget smartphone in the Smart series, in India, as it had promised. It has a 6.6-inch HD+ display with 500 nits of brightness. It is powered by Unisoc SC9863A SoC with up to 4 GB of RAM and 3 GB additional RAM expansion, and has 64 GB of storage. Continue reading “Infinix Smart 7 with 6.6″ HD+ display, 4GB RAM, 6000mAh battery launched in India at an introductory price of Rs. 7299”
Tag: Infinix Smart 7
Infinix Smart 7 with 6.6″ display, 6000mAh battery launching in India on February 22
Infinix is gearing up to launch the Smart 7, the company’s next budget smartphone in the Smart series, and the successor to last year’s Smart 6 in India on February 22nd. Continue reading “Infinix Smart 7 with 6.6″ display, 6000mAh battery launching in India on February 22”