Infinix has launched SMART 8, the company’s latest budget smartphone in the SMART series in India, as it had promised. The phone has a 6.6-inch HD+ display, comes with a punch-hole that houses an 8MP camera with LED flash and has 90Hz refresh rate, which is first in the segment, says the company. Continue reading “Infinix SMART 8 with 6.6″ 90Hz display, 50MP camera launched in India for Rs. 7499”
Tag: Infinix Smart 8 price
Infinix Smart 8 with 6.6” 90Hz display, 5000mAh battery announced
Infinix has introduced Smart 8, the company’s latest budget smartphone in the Smart series, as the successor to Smart 7 which was introduced earlier this year. It has a 6.6 HD+ display with 90Hz refresh rate, 180Hz touch sampling rate, is powered by Unisoc T606 SoC with 4GB of RAM with 4GB of additional virtual RAM and an 13-megapixel rear camera along with an AI lens. Continue reading “Infinix Smart 8 with 6.6” 90Hz display, 5000mAh battery announced”