Infinix has introduced its latest Infinix W1 QLED TV series in India, which includes two size variants, namely 55-inch and 65-inch. This launch follows the earlier introduction of the 32-inch and 43-inch models in July of this year. Continue reading “Infinix W1 55″ and 65″ 4K QLED TVs with webOS launched in India”
Tag: Infinix W1
Infinix W1 32″ HD and 43″ 4K QLED TVs with webOS launched in India for Rs. 10,999 and Rs. 20,999
Infinix just launched its new W1 series of QLED TVs running webOS in India, after teasers. There are 32-inch HD Ready and 43-inch 4K QLED models that promise life-like visuals by using a layer of Quantum Dots. Continue reading “Infinix W1 32″ HD and 43″ 4K QLED TVs with webOS launched in India for Rs. 10,999 and Rs. 20,999”