Infinix just launched the ZERO 40 5G, the company’s latest smartphone in the ZERO series in India, as it had promised. The phone packs a 6.74-inch curved AMOLED display with FHD+ resolution, 144Hz refresh rate and a peak brightness of up to 1,300 nits. Continue reading “Infinix ZERO 40 5G with 6.78″ FHD+ 144Hz AMOLED display, Dimensity 8200 Ultimate, 50MP AF front camera launched in India”
Tag: Infinix Zero 40 5G price
Infinix ZERO 40 5G with 6.78″ FHD+ 144Hz Curved AMOLED display, Dimensity 8200, 50MP AF front camera and ZERO 40 announced
Infinix has expanded its ZERO series with the launch of the ZERO 40 4G and ZERO 40 5G, succeeding the previous ZERO 30 series. Continue reading “Infinix ZERO 40 5G with 6.78″ FHD+ 144Hz Curved AMOLED display, Dimensity 8200, 50MP AF front camera and ZERO 40 announced”