Infinix has launched Zero 5G, the company’s first 5G smartphone in India, as it had announced. It packs a 6.78-inch Full HD+ screen with 120Hz refresh rate, 16MP front camera, is powered by Dimensity 900 SoC with support for 13 5G bands, 3-D Cooling Master technology. DAR-LINK Game Boost Technolog, 8GB LPDDR5 RAM with virtual RAM up to 5 GB, and 128GB UFS 3.1 storage. Continue reading “Infinix Zero 5G with 6.78″ FHD+ 120Hz display, Dimensity 900, 8GB RAM, 5000mAh battery launched in India for Rs. 19999”
Tag: Infinix Zero 5G
Infinix partners with Jio to conduct 5G trials for ZERO 5G ahead of India launch on Feb 14
Infinix already confirmed that launch of ZERO 5G, the company’s first 5G smartphone in India on February 14th, and it was introduced for global markets earlier this week. Today, it has announced that it has partnered with Jio to conduct 5G trails for the phone. As a part of the virtual lab trial, the device was thoroughly tested through various scenarios to verify its capability and performance for delivering enhanced 5G end-user experiences, said the company. Continue reading “Infinix partners with Jio to conduct 5G trials for ZERO 5G ahead of India launch on Feb 14”
Infinix Zero 5G with 6.78-inch FHD+ 120Hz display, Dimensity 900, 5000mAh battery announced
Infinix has announced Zero 5G, the company’s first 5G smartphone, after it was teased to be launched in India on February 14th. It packs a 6.78-inch Full HD+ screen with 120Hz refresh rate, 16MP front camera, is powered by Dimensity 900 SoC with support for 13 5G bands, packs 8GB LPDDR5 RAM and 128GB UFS 3.1 storage. Continue reading “Infinix Zero 5G with 6.78-inch FHD+ 120Hz display, Dimensity 900, 5000mAh battery announced”
Infinix Zero 5G with Dimensity 900, support for 13 5G bands to launch in India on February 14
Update: Infinix has confirmed the launch of Zero 5G in India on February 14th. It will be powered by Dimensity 900 SoC, support 13 5G bands, UFS 3.1 storage and the company says that it will be the fastest 5G smartphone in the segment, so it could be priced under Rs 20,000 as rumored earlier. Continue reading “Infinix Zero 5G with Dimensity 900, support for 13 5G bands to launch in India on February 14”