InFocus recently launched two smartphones in India – the InFocus M350 and InFocus M530 priced at Rs. 7,999 and Rs.10,999 respectively. If you are thinking it as another Chinese brand, we would like to tell you that it is an American company that’s making smartphones since 2013, but the smartphones are manufactured in China. Continue reading “InFocus M350 Review”
Tag: Infocus M350
Infocus M350 with 5-inch HD display, 4G LTE launched in India for Rs. 7999
Infocus has launched M350 smartphone in India, as expected. It has a 5-inch HD display, is powered by a 1.5 GHz Quad-Core MediaTek MT6732 processor and runs on Android 4.4 (KitKat) with InLife UI. It has a 8-megapixel rear camera with LED flash and a 8-megapixel front-facing camera. The smartphone is 10.6mm thick, with thinnest part of the edge at 3.5mm. Continue reading “Infocus M350 with 5-inch HD display, 4G LTE launched in India for Rs. 7999”
Infocus M350 launching in India on June 18 for Rs. 7999
Infocus started teasing the launch of M350 smartphone in India last week. Today the company has sent out press invites for the launch event on June 18th, Thursday. Infocus already said that registrations for the sale will begin June 17th and it will exclusively be available from Snapdeal. Now the smartphone has been listed on Snapdeal for Rs. 7999, which is definitely a competitive price tag for a 4G smartphone. Continue reading “Infocus M350 launching in India on June 18 for Rs. 7999”
Infocus M350 with 4G launching in India soon, registrations begin June 17
Infocus is all set to launch its new M350 4G smartphone in India soon, after M2 and M330 smartphones, which had sold 1 lakh units in three months. The company has started teasing the smartphone, which shows the M350’s thinnest curved edge at just 3.5mm. Check out the specifications of the smartphone below. Continue reading “Infocus M350 with 4G launching in India soon, registrations begin June 17”