Last month, Apple had released iOS 16.2 beta to bring support for 5G networks in India, and the stable update rolled out earlier this month. While Airtel uses Non-Standalone model for 5G, Jio is using Standalone model and requires the 5G Standalone toggle to be turned on the iPhone. Continue reading “5G Standalone is unavailable due to insufficient SIM security on Jio 5G”
Tag: iOS 16.2 Jio 5G
iOS 16.2 developer beta 2 brings Airtel and Jio 5G support for India
As promised, Apple has rolled out iOS 16.2 beta 2 update for the developers that brings 5G support for both Airtel and Jio users in India. iOS 16.2 beta 2 for the public is expected tonight. There is a warning that 5G On option always uses 5G network when it’s available and might reduce battery life. Continue reading “iOS 16.2 developer beta 2 brings Airtel and Jio 5G support for India”