Apple iOS 5 – The Changes

Apple’s iOS 5 mobile operating system will be released in the next few hours. This latest update is compatible with most recent iterations of the Apple mobile line, including iPhones after the 3GS, iPads and the iPod Touch.

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Real Racing 2 HD to support wireless gaming in iOS 5

iOS 5 was announced at WWDC this week  would bring lots of exiting features, including wireless AirPlay support. Firemint has announced that the Real Racing 2 HD would be the first game to support wireless gaming over Airplay for iOS 5 devices. Continue reading “Real Racing 2 HD to support wireless gaming in iOS 5”

iOS 5 coming this fall with lots of new features

Apple has finally announced the much awaited iOS 5 with new features like Notification center, iMessage, Newsstand and Twitter integration, reminder and more. With the iOS 5 and iCloud, your, mail, contacts, calendars, photos, apps, books, music gets synced automatically once you enter your Apple id and the password, when you setup the device. Continue reading “iOS 5 coming this fall with lots of new features”