Apple is back with a best seller. Last year it was the iPhone XR, the coming year, it’s going to be the iPhone 11. Write this down, because the upgrades include an extra camera sensor with an ultra wide angle lens, we thought the A12 was faster but then we get the A13 Bionic in this one, which brings amazing features like extended dynamic range at 4K 60 fps, even on the ultrawide. The really average 7MP front camera on the XR gets upgraded to a 12MP crisp sensor with a wider angle field of view lens on the 11, and again thanks to A13, it does 4K 60 fps, with extended dynamic range up to 30 fps and of course, slofies. Personally, it is a dream come true upgrade from the iPhone XR I have been using till now. The best part? It is going to sell here, in India, for a starting price of Rs. 64, 990 (58, 990 if you pre-ordered) which is way lesser than the 74, 990 price with which the XR started selling. Fear not fence sitters, I used to be one of you and I know how you feel so hear me out – there’s a new phone in town and it’s made for you – here are my first impressions of the iPhone 11.
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