Apple has started assembling the latest iPhone 13 smartphone in India at the Foxconn plant near Chennai. This news comes after the company started trial production of the phone in December last year. At that time, there were reports that said that commercial production will begin February 2022. Continue reading “Apple begins production of iPhone 13 in India”
Tag: iPhone 13
Apple reportedly telling suppliers demand for iPhone has slowed down ahead of holiday season
Apple has told its component suppliers that the demand for the iPhone 13 line up has slowed down, reports Bloomberg. It’s a known fact that Apple has drastically cut down the production of iPhone 13 up to 10 million units, down from 90 million due to a global supply crunch. Continue reading “Apple reportedly telling suppliers demand for iPhone has slowed down ahead of holiday season”
iPhone 13 said to come in 1TB storage variant
Apple is working on iPhone 13 and will reportedly come with up to 1TB storage for the first time. At present, the iPhone 12 comes with a 512GB storage capacity at max. However, there are no details about the variants, meaning if this will be the case across all the variants or just for the Pro Max variant. Currently, iPad Pro is the only device to offer a 1TB storage solution right now under Apple’s portfolio. Continue reading “iPhone 13 said to come in 1TB storage variant”
Apple iPhone 13 series said to feature same 4 models as iPhone 12 series; Pro models with improved Ultra Wide camera
For the first time with the iPhone 12 series, Apple launched 4 models flagship iPhones — a regular iPhone 12, two iPhone 12 Pro models and an iPhone 12 Mini. According to popular analyst Ming Chi-Kuo, Apple will continue this strategy with the iPhone 13 series for the next year too.