Even though earlier rumours revealed that Apple has cancelled the iPhone SE 4 due to concerns over its first in-house 5G chip. A new report from analyst Ming-Chi Kuo said that Apple is restarting the development of the iPhone SE with a 6.1-inch OLED display and a custom 5G chip. Continue reading “iPhone SE 4 could use 6.1″ OLED display from BOE”
Tag: iPhone SE 2024
iPhone SE 4 could be postponed or cancelled
Rumours about the upcoming Apple iPhone SE 4 have been circulating for the past few months. The phone was supposed to be released in 2024, but the most recent report suggests that the production schedule for this device has changed. Continue reading “iPhone SE 4 could be postponed or cancelled”
iPhone SE 4 renders show iPhone XR-like design
Earlier rumours revealed that the iPhone SE 4 could feature an iPhone XR or iPhone 11-like design. According to latest renders from the popular leaker Jon Prosser of Front Page Tech, the next iPhone SE will use the same design as the iPhone XR in line with earlier rumours. The renders show the phone in Midnight, Starlight and (PRODUCT) RED. Continue reading “iPhone SE 4 renders show iPhone XR-like design”
iPhone SE 4 tipped to have a 6.1-inch LCD screen with notch
Ross Young, an analyst for Display Supply Chain Consultants (DSCC), claims that the fourth-generation iPhone SE would have a 6.1-inch LCD screen with a “notch” cutout at the top of the screen, as per the report from Mac Rumors. Continue reading “iPhone SE 4 tipped to have a 6.1-inch LCD screen with notch”