Apple launched the iPhone XR in India last year, and after a year, Apple has finally decided to assemble the phone in India. With this, Apple is expanding its portfolio of smartphones under the ‘Made in India’ scheme. As mentioned on the box, the phone is assembled in Chennai by Taipei-based contract manufacturer Foxconn. Apple started assembling iPhone 6s and iPhone 7 models in India by Winstron in Bengaluru, and it assembled the iPhone SE as well, but it is not on sale anymore. The iPhone XR assembling is said to have started back in July. Continue reading “Apple starts selling iPhone XR assembled in India”
Tag: iPhone Xr
Now is the best time to buy the Apple iPhone XR [Long term Review]
5 months have gone by since I started using the iPhone XR and time with it has convinced me that this is, by far, the best smartphone experience I’ve ever had and am not even exaggerating. Coming from a world of infinite choice, it was quite interesting to have a completely different view of the Apple ecosystem. Because, in 2019, systemic changes in the infrastructure surrounding a smartphone have made me realize why the long held tenets of trust and user experience matter now more than ever. What has changed in these 5 months is also the price. NOW is the right time to buy the Apple iPhone XR and here’s my long term review to tell you why I think so.
Continue reading “Now is the best time to buy the Apple iPhone XR [Long term Review]”
Apple introduces Smart Battery Case for iPhone XS, XS Max, and XR
Apple has introduced new Smart Battery Cases designed for iPhone XS, XS Max, and XR. The design of the cases is similar to the past battery case option Apple offered for the iPhone 7 with a bump to add the extra battery pack and each offer varied battery life depending on the device. Continue reading “Apple introduces Smart Battery Case for iPhone XS, XS Max, and XR”
Qualcomm now seeks to ban Apple iPhone XS and XR in China
After Qualcomm was granted a preliminary injunction to ban the sale and import of Apple iPhone 6s through iPhone X in China, Qualcomm now plans to file for an injunction on the iPhone XS, iPhone XS Max, and iPhone XR in China. This would prevent the sale of those devices in the country. Qualcomm has granted the preliminary injunction after it ruled that the devices violated two Qualcomm patents. Continue reading “Qualcomm now seeks to ban Apple iPhone XS and XR in China”
Apple said to be planning iPhone XR price slash in Japan owing to poor reception, restart iPhone X production
Apple is said to be planning to discount the price of the iPhone XR model in Japan by offering subsidies to Japanese carriers, according to a new report. The price discount of the iPhone XR which costs $749 could come as early as next week. This is very rare for Apple to slash the price of a model within a month off the release. Continue reading “Apple said to be planning iPhone XR price slash in Japan owing to poor reception, restart iPhone X production”
Apple iPhone XR lifecycle shipment estimates down by 30 Million: Kuo
In the latest research note, Ming-Chi Kuo has cut his shipping estimates for the iPhone XR due to several factors. This might the result of the higher demand for the iPhone XS and the older models. He is reducing his iPhone shipment forecasts by 15–20% for the first quarter of 2019. This news falls in line with reports of Apple canceling additional production of iPhone XR owing to poor reception.
Continue reading “Apple iPhone XR lifecycle shipment estimates down by 30 Million: Kuo”
Apple has canceled additional production of iPhone XR owing to poor reception: Report
Apple, owing to the disappointing demand for the new iPhone XR, said to have halted additional production of the smartphone. The company has informed its top smartphone assemblers Foxconn and Pegatron to halt plans for additional production lines. Continue reading “Apple has canceled additional production of iPhone XR owing to poor reception: Report”
Halide camera app to bring portrait mode support for objects and pets on iPhone XR
The low-cost iPhone XR features some decent hardware including face unlock, edge-to-edge design, A12 Bionic chipset and more. However, when compared to the iPhone X, XS, XS Max, it falls short due to the lack of proper Portrait mode. It currently only works on people and not objects. However, the developers of popular camera app Halide, have found depth data on the iPhone XR and can enable Portrait mode for non-people. Continue reading “Halide camera app to bring portrait mode support for objects and pets on iPhone XR”
iOS 12.1 will improve selfie quality on the iPhone XS and XR
Ever since Apple launched the iPhone XS, it has been criticized for its front-camera for overly smoothening skin. Though Apple has always insisted it doesn’t use any beautification filters, whatever may be the case, the issue definitely exits. However, Apple acknowledged the criticism and said that it will fix this issue with iOS 12.1 update. Continue reading “iOS 12.1 will improve selfie quality on the iPhone XS and XR”