Firefox Home For iPhone Updated With Improved URL Bar And More Languages

Mozilla recently updated its Firefox Home For iPhone to version 1.0.2. The new version comes with an improved URL bar and support for 16 different languages.

Mozilla recently updated its Firefox Home For iPhone to version 1.0.2. The new version comes with an improved URL bar and support for 16 different languages. Check out all the changes and improvements below.

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SkyFire for iPhone Maybe Submitted To Apple Next Week

After Symbian, Windows Mobile and Android platform, Skyfire, the popular mobile browser may be soon available for iPhone users. According to MobileCrunch, SkyFire has just entered the final testing phase of its first public iPhone build.

After Symbian, Windows Mobile and Android platform, Skyfire, the popular mobile browser may be soon available for iPhone users. According to the sources from MobileCrunch, SkyFire has just entered the final testing phase of its first public iPhone build and they are planning to submit it to the Apple early next week.


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AppShopper Is Your Ideal App Store Friend

The Apple App Store has been growing to a point where you almost wonder if it’ll explode one day or if it can realistically get any larger. There are tons of cool new applications everyday, and many existing applications that drop prices every now and then. Getting up to date about those limited time offers can be very tedious if you’re interested in some apps or games but think they’re expensive now. Yes, there are actually tons of actual apps on the App Store that let you follow these offers, like BargainBin, PandoraBox, AppMiner, some of which let you create watchlists to monitor price changes. But let’s face it, do you remember to launch those apps everyday to check for changes, or do you find the badges notifications efficient? I didn’t, I wanted an email when one of my favorite apps drops its price, and I wanted a history of an app’s price to see if the developer tends to do frequent or infrequent offers on it so I can snatch it for a realistic price. That’s when I discovered AppShopper.

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Vonage Mobile for Facebook allows you to call your Facebook friends for free!

If you love saving money and your minutes, then here is an application for you. Vonage has launched an app for iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad, and Android OS which is known as Vonage Mobile for Facebook. The ap Continue reading “Vonage Mobile for Facebook allows you to call your Facebook friends for free!”

A Byte of Apple : iPhone 4 set free

Phew! If you follow Apple as closely as I do, you’d know that they’ve been keeping us pretty busy over the past couple of weeks. If it was the iPhone 4 launch one week, it was the ‘Antennagate’ press con the next, and this past week, a slew of products and news kept the Apple-sphere agog about the latest from Cupertino.

In their signature Tuesday-morning-release style, Apple launched a number of updates to their existing product families, including an all-new 27-Inch LED Cinema Display and MacPros with upto 12 core CPU options, among others. Apple desktop users were given some trackpad love with the release of the Magic Trackpad, which gives iMac and Mac Pro users the ability to use the full set of gestures (including two-finger scroll, pinch to zoom, rotate, three and four-finger swipes) that Apple’s portable computer lines have enjoyed over the past couple of years. Oh, and they also launched a battery charger. Yep, an Apple battery charger, and guess what? It’s suddenly a rage all over the internet… jeez, a battery charger! I mean sure, it’s a nice little AA battery charger which minimizes ‘vampire draw’ by shutting off the power when the batteries are charged, and ships with six batteries which are claimed to last up to ten years. Only goes to show that just about any Apple news is big news! Continue reading “A Byte of Apple : iPhone 4 set free”

Convert your iPad WiFi into iPad 3G sans GPS

Did you regret on purchasing iPad WiFi and do you feel left out when you are not in WiFi hotspot. Ya, I too have the same feeling as I was one of the early adopter and at that time only iPad WiFi was available.Here I will be discussing about three different ways to convert your iPad WiFi into 3G enabled iPad. Continue reading “Convert your iPad WiFi into iPad 3G sans GPS”

The Best iPhone 4 Tear down Video !

This is a cool video in which folks from a  mobile phone repair company Tech Restore tear down  the iPhone 4

Must watch at least for the amazing effects if not for the iPhone 4


Here is what Techrestore has to say about the video

1784 hi-res photos combine to make a stop-motion expose of the iPhone 4, revealing every detail of construction, from packaging, down to the chips on the logic-board. Set to a custom electronic/glitch soundtrack, with fast paced action, this is no ordinary unboxing and take-apart video!

Pretty cool rite ?

A Byte of Apple : Apple pulls it off, in more ways than one!

If there was any doubt in our minds as to the outcome of the iPhone 4 ‘antennagate’ press conference, the digital Pied Piper of our generation brought his A-game to the event. And what a show he pulled off! It took a carefully crafted set of words – “We’re not perfect. Phones are not perfect. We all know that. But we want to make our users happy.” – for Steve Jobs to turn the event from a witch-hunt defense to a discourse on smartphones in general, and that they, much like the iPhone 4, have problems.

(image courtesy flickr user random_j)

In doing so, Jobs took the moral high ground about the challenge all manufacturers face with managing antenna issues, further driving home the point with videos demonstrating top smartphones suffering signal attenuation when gripped firmly. Add to this the carefully curated data around the lower rate of product returns and dropped calls the iPhone 4 had seen (compared to the 3GS). In effect, by the time he announced free bumper cases and a no-questions-asked 30-day full-refund return option, he’d turned the iPhone 4 around from being a potential buggy dud to pretty much the best smartphone around, albeit one that had an Achilles heel that was common to all smartphones! And ever so often, repeating the mantra of “keeping the users happy”, and before you know it, Apple walked out of the “antenna-gate” smelling of roses.

On cue, RIM, Nokia and HTC reacted strongly to being painted with the same wide brush, each shooting back strong missives in Apple’s direction for involving them in “Apple’s self-made debacle”. For Apple, the job is done – the iPhone 4 has come out of this (almost) squeaky clean, and the subject of antenna design decisions has been brought out so clearly into public consciousness for the first time.

And just as this was threatening to blow up, along came Apple’s Q3 earnings call earlier this week. In case you missed it, here’s the gist. The numbers look good, with a record $15.7 billion earned for the June quarter, right about when they shipped the hundred millionth iOS (iPad, iPod touch or iPhone) device. What’s important to note is that the iOS products now contribute two-thirds of Apple’s revenues, and this is in a quarter that saw 3.472 million Macs sold during the June quarter, up 33 percent year-over-year and easily outpacing the 20% growth rate PCs showed. Not surprisingly, the company is now sitting easy on $45.8 billion in cash, and with the iPad launching in nine more countries – Austria, Belgium, Hong Kong, Ireland, Luxembourg, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, and Singapore – as you read this ( on Friday, July 23), their next quarter looks set to do no less. If anything, Apple’s going to have to watch their suppliers closely, ‘coz at the rate at which they’re going, supply just isn’t going to keep up with demand. That’s a good problem to have, in any case.

As we wrap up this week’s A Byte of Apple, we couldn’t possibly close without a mention of Flipboard – A Social Magazine App for the iPad. As the name suggests, Flipboard creates a magazine out of a user’s social content, and early user response suggest this could be the way to consume Facebook, twitter and your other social feeds while fitting into the chilling-out lifestyle of iPad media consumption.

Now, a week full of controversy and hard numbers does have its light moments too – and this week’s humor is courtesy a thief who earlier this week made off with an iPhone snatched right from a woman’s hand in the San Francisco’s South of Market neighborhood, not knowing that the phone was being used in a demonstration of real-time GPS tracking. Of all the phones he could have whacked, he picked this one! What are the odds!?! No prizes for guessing what happened next – he was picked up by police about ten minutes later with the help of the location tracking. Talk about being a #fail at what you do!

A Byte of Apple : iPhone 4 Press Con Predictions

The death-grip-gate drama surrounding the iPhone 4 and its mysterious signal dropping is coming to a head, with Apple hastily convening a press conference later tonight at its Cupertino campus. A quick recap if you’re just tuning in – after a number of users reported signal and call/data drops when their hands bridged the new iPhone 4 antenna, Apple issued a public statement stating it was a mere ‘formula error’ that led to users seeing more signal bars than they should in certain cases. It took independent body Consumer Reports, which tested three iPhone 4s in its radio frequency isolation room and issued a ‘not recommended’ status due to the significant reception problems (when holding the phone over its lower-left corner), for Apple to pull together an event to tackle this issue head-on.

Now, in typical Apple fashion, an invite to this event, even to the select few who do receive it, is short on detail, except that it will be around the company’s flagship smartphone. This is a first for Apple – as far back as I can remember, and aficionados out there can correct me if I am wrong, Apple has never called for a press conference for anything other than a new product announcement. Amidsts all the theories and expectations around what Apple should do at this event, here are our educated predictions about how it will go down come Friday 16th July, 10 AM Pacific time:

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How to install Android 2.2 (Froyo) on your iPhone

iPhone, the only phone I have  been using for 2 years and will use it in future also. I have never used an android before and don’t understand why it’s after iOS and all the hype surrounded to it, so enough is enough I decided to try out Android before purchasing any Android device. Continue reading “How to install Android 2.2 (Froyo) on your iPhone”

Select Gameloft iPhone titles for 99¢

If you own an iPhone/iPod touch and you just love playing games on your iPhone and want to increase your games collection by adding some good games, then here is a deal for you. Gameloft one of the famous game developers, is now offering some iPhone game titles for $0.99 for a limited time. Following titles are on sale: Continue reading “Select Gameloft iPhone titles for 99¢”

Apple iPhone 3GS 8GB hits Bell Canada

If you live in Canada and you are waiting for the Apple iPhone 3GS 8GB model, then finally your wait is over because Canadian carrier Bell is now carrying the iPhone 3GS 8GB, which is priced at $99.95 on a 3-year agreement.

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