S60 is feature-rich software for smartphones with advanced data capabilities. Based on the Symbian OS, it includes an application suite, user interface framework, and middleware components. The flexibility of S60 allows for a variety of hardware designs and software configurations.

S60 devices include built-in features varying from messaging and calendar to a wide variety of personalization options and advanced web browsing.
The touch user interface in S60 smartphone software offers licensees the opportunity to develop devices with a variety of input methods, whether it is a touch screen with a traditional keypad, touch screen with a QWERTY keyboard or touch screen alone, supporting both finger or stylus optimized input, in addition to the range of access options that already exists today.
S60 touch user interface comes with support for tactile feedback, which means that there is a physical pulse and feedback when the user taps on the screen. This provides better awareness of the device’s response.
Existing S60 3rd Edition applications will run on touch enabled devices unmodified. Tools will be made available for developers to further optimize the touch experience of their applications.
Also, the new UI Accelerator toolkit will allow device manufacturers to develop rapidly and easily impressive graphical effects and new types of interactions, further increasing the user appeal and excitement. Continue reading “The S60 user Interface: A revolution waiting to happen”