iQOO just launched the iQOO 13, the company’s latest flagship smartphone in India, as it had promised. The phone pack a 6.82-inch 2K+ 144Hz flat screen that uses BOE’s Q10 luminous material, and has 2592Hz full high-frequency dimming. Continue reading “iQOO 13 with 6.82″ 2K 8T LTPO 144Hz OLED display, Snapdragon 8 Elite, IP68+IP69 ratings launched in India starting at Rs. 54,999”
Tag: iQOO 13 specs
iQOO 13 with 6.82″ 2K 8T LTPO 144Hz OLED display, Snapdragon 8 Elite, 6150mAh battery, IP68+IP69 ratings announced
iQOO has officially introduced iQOO 13 smartphone in China, as it had promised. The phone pack a 6.82-inch 2K+ 144Hz flat screen that uses BOE’s Q10 luminous material, and has 2592Hz full high-frequency dimming. Continue reading “iQOO 13 with 6.82″ 2K 8T LTPO 144Hz OLED display, Snapdragon 8 Elite, 6150mAh battery, IP68+IP69 ratings announced”