Jabra has launched new Elite 65e wireless headphones with both active and passive noise cancellation, and Elite Active 65t wireless earbuds, expanding its Elite series of headphones. The Elite 65e has a neckband design and comes with three-microphone technology that creates a noise-blocking zone – making sure the voice is conveyed with crystal-clear clarity. Continue reading “Jabra Elite 65e neckband wireless headphones and Elite Active 65t wireless earbuds launched in India”
Tag: Jabra Elite 65e
Jabra Elite 65e total noise cancellation wireless headphones announced
Jabra has announced the Elite 65e total noise cancellation wireless headphones. The company claims that the headphone last up to 13 hours with ANC turned off and it works with Alexa, Siri, and Google Assistant depending on which OS you are using. Continue reading “Jabra Elite 65e total noise cancellation wireless headphones announced”