MTS launches High Speed Data connectivity on NH 8 from Delhi to Jaipur

MTS High Speed Data (HSD) connectivity is now live on the Delhi to Jaipur stretch of the National Highway 8. This is one of the busiest highways in the country and the Delhi to Jaipur stretch covers a total distance of 265 KM. Continue reading “MTS launches High Speed Data connectivity on NH 8 from Delhi to Jaipur”

Airtel launches 3G Services in Jaipur

airtel 3g jaipur

Airtel today launched 3G services in the Pink City of India – Jaipur in Rajasthan.  This marks the operator’s roll out of high speed services in North India. The company plans to roll out the services across major cities in the state in the coming weeks. The same tariffs apply for Jaipur also

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