Forum Nokia Open C Roadshow comes to Chennai

Great news for Mobile Developers in and around chennai.

Nokia is starting of its Open C Events in the Country.

If you are wondering what Open C is about but are interested to find out, then head to the venue.

Le Royal Meridien
1 GST Road,
St. Thomas Mount,
Chennai – 600 016,
Tamil Nadu,

Date 24th April 2007, Tuesday
Time 09:00 – 17:25

Register Now

Opera Mini available for Blackberry and Palm Treo

opera miniOpera Mini, the free web browser for mobile phones, is now available for BlackBerry and Palm Treo smartphones. Opera Mini is a user friendly superior mobile browser.

Opera Mini™ is a fast and easy alternative to Opera’s mobile browser, allowing users to access the Web on mobile phones that would normally be incapable of running a Web browser. This includes the vast majority of today’s WAP-enabled phones.

The new version further improves the browsing experience by enabling download of images, MP3s, etc directly to your phone.

Opera Mini uses a remote server to pre-process Web pages before sending them to your phone. Web content is optimized for your device, ensuring fast browsing and a great user experience.

Opera Mini offers the same speed and usability as the renowned Opera mobile browser, and uses Opera™ Small Screen Rendering™ technology to provide access to the Web. It has all the features expected of a browser, and more, such as content download, skinning, bookmarks, browsing history. In addition, Opera Mini recognizes your phone and optimizes Web pages accordingly to provide faster browsing.

There are three ways to get the browser: 1) Point your phone’s current browser to; 2) Send an SMS with the word OPERA to 96077 (SMS charges will apply); 3) Visit the Opera site and use the download wizard.

Update: It seems like once you install it into your Treo, there is a problem. When you attempt to open it, you receive the message “Please ensure that IBM’s WebSphere Micro Environment Java VM is installed.” The program would not open.
This is what you have to do: On the Treo 650, you’ll need Micro Environment Java VM. You can get it here:

Nokia launches WidSets – Mobile Widgets

WidSets is a mobile widget platform available for Java MIDP 2.0 phones and is completely manufacturer and browser independent. Like widgets on a computer, WidSets provide immediate access to information for everything from RSS feeds to blog posts to photo-uploading sites. Nokia has filled the library with a rather large variety of options to add to your phone. Templates are available for creating your own, too. Just head over to the site, register, download the install client, and load up–they’re free.

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