Samsung Jet Review

With millions spent on Research , Unique Marketing strategy with lot of fanfare Samsung had launched “smarter than smartphone” Samsung JET with the model number S8000 It is loaded with features according to the specs sheet – 800mhz CPU,AMOLED resistive touchscreen.3D cube interface ,  3.1-inch display, 5-megapixel camera, DivX/Xvid support, Wi-Fi and 2 GB built-in memory. One can easily fall in love with it once it gets in hand because it’s so light and act as a status symbol too. The Form factor is really worth appreciating considering the feature set. Lets dive in and find out if its smarter than the smartphone in this Samsung Jet Review Continue reading “Samsung Jet Review”

Samsung Blogger Meet @ TGIF, Delhi

This past Saturday, saw Samsung did something which it does not do. Till now, Nokia was the only active company which ‘cultivates’ a league of bloggers, but it is not so. Samsung seems to have clearly declared ‘war’ on all fronts. Fonearena was also invited to the event at T.G.I.F, Vasant Kunj in Delhi. Since it was the first that Samsung was doing, we just had to go.

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