At the India Mobile Congress (IMC-2022) in Pragati Maidan, New Delhi, Prime Minister, Narendra Modi launched 5G services, as announced. Mukesh Ambani, Chairman, Reliance, Sunil Bharti Mittal, Chairman, Bharti Enterprise and Kumar Mangalam Birla, Chairman, Aditya Birla Group thanked the PM for his vision and leadership for a generational leap in technology. Continue reading “Prime Minister Modi launches 5G services in India”
Tag: Jio 5G
Jio 5G to roll out in Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai and Kolkata by Diwali
At the 45th annual general meeting (AGM), Reliance Jio announced that it will roll out 5G services based on standalone (SA) architecture in multiple key cities including Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai and Kolkata by Diwali, which is by the end of October. Mukesh Ambani also said that the company will deliver 5G to every town of India by December 2023. Continue reading “Jio 5G to roll out in Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai and Kolkata by Diwali”
Reliance Jio will pioneer 5G revolution in second half of 2021: Mukesh Ambani
Reliance Industries Chairman Mukesh Ambani at the India Mobile Congress 2020 today said that Jio will pioneer the 5G Revolution in India in the second half of 2021. “5G should be available and affordable- Jio makes that promise/ towards aatmanirbhar Bharat.” He added. Back in June at the 43rd annual general meeting (AGM) announced that the company has designed and developed a complete 5G solution from scratch using 100% home-grown technologies and solution. Continue reading “Reliance Jio will pioneer 5G revolution in second half of 2021: Mukesh Ambani”
Jio 5G ‘Made in India’ solution announced, trials and deployment soon
Reliance Jio at its virtual 43rd annual general meeting (AGM) announced that the company has designed and developed a complete 5G solution from scratch using 100% home-grown technologies and solution. Continue reading “Jio 5G ‘Made in India’ solution announced, trials and deployment soon”
Jio and Samsung demo virtual classroom, massive full HD content streaming and more 5G use cases at IMC 2019
At the ongoing Indian Mobile Congress (IMC) 2019, Reliance Jio and Samsung are showcasing several use cases of 5G as well as advanced 4G LTE and 5G technology used in combination as a dual-connected mode network. These demonstrations are designed to show use cases that can benefit customers and enterprises. Continue reading “Jio and Samsung demo virtual classroom, massive full HD content streaming and more 5G use cases at IMC 2019”