Jio Cinema has announced that it has shattered its own record of viewership during the Gujarat Titans (GT) vs Chennai Super Kings (CSK) qualifier Tata IPL match on May 23rd, which clocked 25 million or 2.5 crore concurrent viewers. Continue reading “JioCinema clocks record 2.5 crore concurrent viewership during GT-CSK match”
Tag: Jio Cinema
Jio Cinema clocks record 2.4 crore viewership during CSK-RCB match
On April 12th, Jio Cinema reported that 22 million or 2.2 crore viewers watched the CSK vs RR, Tata IPL match. Today, the company has announced that it has shattered its own record of viewership during the Chennai Super Kings (CSK) vs Royal Challengers Bangalore (RCB) match on April 17th, which clocked 24 million or 2.4 crore viewers. Continue reading “Jio Cinema clocks record 2.4 crore viewership during CSK-RCB match”