After announcing 3.2 crore concurrent viewership during Tata IPL 2023 finals, JioCinema today announced that TATA IPL 2023 became the most watched digital event globally as it saw 12 Crore unique viewers tuning-in to watch the finals. Continue reading “TATA IPL 2023 finals on JioCinema: 12 Crore unique viewers, 2.5 crore app downloads in a day”
Tag: JioCinema
JioCinema breaks world record with 3.2 crore concurrent viewership during Tata IPL 2023 finals
Jio Cinema has announced that it has created a world record for viewership during the Gujarat Titans (GT) vs Chennai Super Kings (CSK) Tata IPL finals on May 29th, which clocked 32 million or 3.2 Crore concurrent viewers. Continue reading “JioCinema breaks world record with 3.2 crore concurrent viewership during Tata IPL 2023 finals”
TATA IPL 2023: JioCinema clocks over 1300 crore video views in 5 weeks
JioCinema has announced that it has clocked over 1300 crore video views in the first five weeks of the TATA IPL 2023, which it says is a new global benchmark in the world of digital sports viewing Continue reading “TATA IPL 2023: JioCinema clocks over 1300 crore video views in 5 weeks”
JioCinema looking to charge for content after IPL: Report
JioCinema, the official digital streaming partner of the Tata IPL, may start charging for its content after the cricket tournament ends, according to a Bloomberg report. The IPL is setting new records for viewership this year, but JioCinema is still offering free streaming of the matches at the moment. Continue reading “JioCinema looking to charge for content after IPL: Report”
JioCinema clocks 32 million viewers for FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 finals
JioCinema, the official streaming partner for the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 in India, announced that 32 million or 3.2 crore viewers tuned in to JioCinema to watch the final match between Argentina and France. Continue reading “JioCinema clocks 32 million viewers for FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 finals”
JioMusic and JioCinema apps get option to schedule downloads at night at zero data charges
Reliance Jio has finally added new smart download option to its JioMusic and JioCinema that lets you schedule movie or music downloads during Jio Happy hours (2AM to 5 AM) when no data charges apply. Continue reading “JioMusic and JioCinema apps get option to schedule downloads at night at zero data charges”