Earlier reports and findings revealed that JioCinema will soon be rebranded to JioVoot, and it also hinted at Rs. 99 plan. Now a new test website has surfaced, revealing 3 plans. Continue reading “JioCinema premium plans could start at Rs. 2 per day; Gold and ad-free Platinum plans surface”
Tag: JioVoot
JioCinema could get rebranded to JioVoot, plans from Rs. 99?
JioCinema, the official digital streaming partner of the Tata IPL, is expected to undergo significant changes. It appears like JioCinema will be renamed JioVoot. Viacom 18 also owns the over-the-top (OTT) platform Voot. Continue reading “JioCinema could get rebranded to JioVoot, plans from Rs. 99?”