The Apple iPhone Xs, XS max, Xr witnessed the launch of company’s A12 Bionic processor based on a 7nm fabrication process. A few weeks ahead of the Apple launch, Huawei announced their own 7nm processor; the Kirin 980 with Dual NPU. Continue reading “Kirin 980 can outshine Apple’s A12 Bionic chip says Huawei”
Tag: Kirin 980
Huawei Kirin 980 world’s first 7nm SoC with Dual NPU announced
Huawei at the IFA 2018 announced Kirin 980, its next-generation processor of high-end devices and the world’s first commercial mobile SoC manufactured with Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturer Company’s (TSMC) 7nm proces and with dedicated Dual Neural Processing Unit (NPU). It is an Octa-Core SoC with two ARM Cortex A76 Cores clocked up to 2.6GHz for Turbo performance, two ARM Cortex A76 Cores clocked up to 1.92GHz for Long-lasting performance and four ARM Cortex A55 Cores clocked up to 1.8 GHz for power efficiency. It has support for LTE Cat.21 offering download speeds of up to 1.4 Gbps. Continue reading “Huawei Kirin 980 world’s first 7nm SoC with Dual NPU announced”