Canonical to showcase Ubuntu for Android at MWC 2012

In the future almost everything is going to be mobile and compact, and Canonical has just taken a step further to prove this fact. I am a big fan of Open Source and when I heard about Canonical working for a mobile version of Ubuntu I was excited, like I was excited when I heard about Google working on a Linux based mobile platform, but I had no idea that Ubuntu for Android was what they have been working on and this concept is really beautiful, the merger of mobile O.S and a desktop O.S is here.

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Droid Bionic redesigned version leaked, make you drool

Motorola Droid Bionic was announced back at CES 2011 along with Atrix 4G, and Bionic was headed to Verizon Wireless. But then Motorola decided redesign Droid Bionic, and launch it as a completely different device. We recently showed you some leaked shots of Motorola Targa, which is actually codename of redesigned Droid Bionic. Continue reading “Droid Bionic redesigned version leaked, make you drool”

Lenovo ThinkPad leaked, another Honeycomb tablet

Lenovo is one of the leading technology brands in the world and they are famous because of their amazing line of laptops and notebooks. Back in January, they embraced Android by announcing Lenovo LePad and Lenovo IdeaPad at CES 2011. Both devices will be launched officially in June. But now you are about to see something which will make you to stop thinking about the LePad and IdeaPad. This is My Next has leaked some shots of Lenovo ThinkPad which is actually an Android powered tablet that comes with laptop dock. Continue reading “Lenovo ThinkPad leaked, another Honeycomb tablet”