Lava launched the Blaze Duo, the company’s latest dual display phone, earlier this week. Today, the company has started selling the phone with several launch offers. Continue reading “Lava Blaze Duo 5G goes on sale with launch offers”
Tag: Lava Blaze Duo 5G
Lava Blaze Duo 5G with 6.67″ FHD+ 120Hz and 1.58″ AMOLED dual displays launched
Lava just launched the Lava Blaze Duo 5G, the company’s latest 5G smartphone in the Blaze series with dual displays, after the Agni 3 was launched back in October. The phone has a 6.67″ FHD+ 3D curved AMOLED display with 120Hz refresh rate. Continue reading “Lava Blaze Duo 5G with 6.67″ FHD+ 120Hz and 1.58″ AMOLED dual displays launched”
Lava Blaze Duo 5G with dual displays launching on December 16
After teasers, Lava has confirmed the launch of Blaze Duo 5G smartphone on December 16th. This will feature dual-display that include a secondary AMOLED rear display and will be priced in Rs. 20,000 range, making it first in the segment, says the company.
Continue reading “Lava Blaze Duo 5G with dual displays launching on December 16”
Lava AGNI 3 saw 200% growth in launch week, says Lava
Lava launched the AGNI 3 smartphone in India last month. Today, the company has announced that it has seen resounding success with a staggering 200% growth during its launch week and a threefold increase in volume compared to its predecessor, the AGNI 2. Continue reading “Lava AGNI 3 saw 200% growth in launch week, says Lava”