Lava just launched the Yuva 2 5G, the company’s latest budget 5G smartphone in the ‘yuva series’, after teasing it last month. It packs a 6.67-inch HD+ 90Hz LCD screen with up to 700 nits peak brightness. Continue reading “Lava Yuva 2 5G with 6.67″ 90Hz display, 50MP camera, 5000mAh battery launched for Rs. 9499”
Tag: Lava Yuva 2 5G
Lava AGNI 3 saw 200% growth in launch week, says Lava
Lava launched the AGNI 3 smartphone in India last month. Today, the company has announced that it has seen resounding success with a staggering 200% growth during its launch week and a threefold increase in volume compared to its predecessor, the AGNI 2. Continue reading “Lava AGNI 3 saw 200% growth in launch week, says Lava”