Lava has launched Yuva 4 as the successor to the Yuva 3 which was launched earlier this year. It has a 6.5-inch HD+ display with 90Hz refresh rate, is powered by the Unisoc T606 SoC, has 4GB of RAM with an additional 4GB of virtual RAM, same as the predecessor. Continue reading “Lava Yuva 4 with 6.56″ 90Hz display, 50MP camera, 5000mAh battery launched starting at an introductory price of Rs. 6,999”
Tag: Lava Yuva 4
Lava AGNI 3 saw 200% growth in launch week, says Lava
Lava launched the AGNI 3 smartphone in India last month. Today, the company has announced that it has seen resounding success with a staggering 200% growth during its launch week and a threefold increase in volume compared to its predecessor, the AGNI 2. Continue reading “Lava AGNI 3 saw 200% growth in launch week, says Lava”