LeEco EPIC 919 sales cross Rs. 100 crores in India, 70,000+ phones, 2000+ Super3 TVs sold


LeEco today announced that it has sold over 70,000 smartphones, over 2000 SuperTVs and about 20,000 accessories and achieved of Rs. 100 crores revenue during the sale, which is more than its expectation. Continue reading “LeEco EPIC 919 sales cross Rs. 100 crores in India, 70,000+ phones, 2000+ Super3 TVs sold”

LeEco EPIC 919 SuperFan Festival extended till Sep 20 – Deals on Le 2, Le Max2 and accessories


LeEco has announced that it has extended its Epic 919 Superfan Festival for another day on Lemall due to unprecedented response from customers in-line with the global record-breaking sales performance. Now users can avail offers on Le 2 and and Le Max2 smartphones as well as accessories till midnight of September 20, 2016. Continue reading “LeEco EPIC 919 SuperFan Festival extended till Sep 20 – Deals on Le 2, Le Max2 and accessories”

LeEco Epic 919 Superfan Festival scheduled for Sep 19 in India

LeEco Le Max 2_fonearena-03

LeEco today announced that it will host Epic 919 Superfan Festival in India on September 19th that would let customers avail exiting offers on smartphones, Super TVs, and range of accessories. Offers would be available on Flipkart App, M-Site and Website, and LeEco’s own Online Commerce Platform, LeMall.com. Continue reading “LeEco Epic 919 Superfan Festival scheduled for Sep 19 in India”