Lenovo launched the K8 Note smartphone in India last month starting at Rs. 12999. After selling limited units through flash sale every week on Amazon.in for four weeks, the company has announced that the phone will be available through open sale from tomorrow, September 15th. Continue reading “Lenovo K8 Note will go on open sale on Amazon India from September 15”
Tag: Lenovo K8 Note
Lenovo K8 Note with Deca-Core Helio X23, Dual rear cameras, Android 7.1 launched starting at Rs. 12999
Lenovo today launched K8 Note, the company’s latest ‘Note Series’ smartphone in India, as it had promised. It has a 5.5-inch 1080p screen, similar to the K5 Note and the K6 Note, but this is powered by a Deca-Core MediaTek Helio X23 SoC, making it the first smartphone with the processor and runs on stock Android 7.1.1 (Nougat). It has 13-megapixel rear camera with dual-tone LED flash along with a secondary 5-megapixel camera to capture depth information for bokeh effect. Continue reading “Lenovo K8 Note with Deca-Core Helio X23, Dual rear cameras, Android 7.1 launched starting at Rs. 12999”
Lenovo K8 Note launching in India exclusively on Amazon on August 9
Last week Lenovo confirmed that it will launch its K8 Note smartphone in India on August 9th, skipping the K7 Note. Today Amazon India has announced that it will be available exclusively with them while teasing the performance and camera of phone. Last year’s Vibe K5 Note was launched on Flipkart, but the K6 Note that was launched in late 2016 was launched through offline stores in the country. Continue reading “Lenovo K8 Note launching in India exclusively on Amazon on August 9”
Lenovo K8 Note launching in India on August 9
Lenovo started teasing its upcoming Note series smartphone in India recently. Today the company has released a new teaser that confirmed that it will introduce the K8 Note smartphone in the country on August 9, skipping the K7 Note. The company says that the phone will kill the ordinary smartphones and stand way ahead of its competition. Continue reading “Lenovo K8 Note launching in India on August 9”