Lenovo launched the S580 handset from its S series last month in India for Rs. 8,999. The budget smartphone was launched exclusively on Snapdeal. Lenovo S580 comes pre-installed with Lenovo’s proprietary DOit apps for seamless data sharing, security and syncing and other features. Let’s take a detailed look of the phone in this review. Continue reading “Lenovo S580 Review”
Tag: Lenovo S580
Lenovo S580 with 5-inch HD display, quad-core Snapdragon 200 processor launched for Rs. 8999
Lenovo has launched the Lenovo S580, the company’s latest budget smartphone in the S-series in India. It has a 5-inch HD display, is powered by a 1.2 GHz Quad-core Snapdragon 200 processor and runs on Android 4.3 (Jelly Bean). It has a 8-megapixel autofocus rear camera with LED flash and a 2-megapixel front-facing camera. Continue reading “Lenovo S580 with 5-inch HD display, quad-core Snapdragon 200 processor launched for Rs. 8999”