Lenovo has launched the Tab 2 A7-10, the company’s latest budget tablet in the A-series. It was announced at the CES last week, packs a 7-inch (1024 x 600) IPS display, is powered by a 1.3GHz Quad-Core MediaTek MT8382M SoCs and runs on Android 4.4 KitKat. It has WiFi support, VGA front-facing camera, 1GB RAM, 8GB of internal storage with expansion slot and packs a 3450mAh battery. It has front-facing speaker, Dolby audio and comes pre-loaded with Lenovo DOit apps. Lenovo has tied up with Snapeal to sell the tablet. Continue reading “Lenovo Tab 2 A7-10 launched in India for Rs. 4999”
Tag: Lenovo Tab 2 A7-10
Lenovo Tab 2 A7-10 and Tab 2 A7-30 with 7-inch displays announced
Lenovo today announced two new Android tablets, Tab 2 A7-10 and Tab 2 A7-30 in the A-series. These Tab 2 series of tablets, successors of last year’s A7-30 have 7-inch (1024 x 600) IPS displays, are powered by a 1.3GHz Quad-Core MediaTek MT8382M SoCs and runs on Android 4.4 KitKat. Both these have 1GB RAM, 8GB of internal storage and pack a 3450mAh battery. The Tab 2 A7-30 also comes in 16GB variant. Continue reading “Lenovo Tab 2 A7-10 and Tab 2 A7-30 with 7-inch displays announced”