Lenovo has launched Tab M9, the company’s latest tablet in India, after it was introduced at the CES. It has a 9-inch HD screen, is powered by MediaTek Helio G80 Octa-Core processor, has up to 4 GB of RAM, up to 64GB storage and runs Android 12 operating system. Continue reading “Lenovo Tab M9 launched in India starting at Rs. 12999”
Tag: Lenovo Tab M9
Lenovo introduces new IdeaPad Pro 5/5i, Slim 5/5i, IdeaPad Flex 3i, Tab M9 and more
Lenovo has introduced its latest consumer products with noteworthy features and upgrades ahead of CES in January 2023. These include the IdeaPad Pro 5/5i, IdeaPad Slim 5/5i, IdeaCentre Mini 5i, IdeaPad Flex 3i Chromebook, Lenovo Tab M9, and Accessories. Continue reading “Lenovo introduces new IdeaPad Pro 5/5i, Slim 5/5i, IdeaPad Flex 3i, Tab M9 and more”