Lenovo today launched the Tab P11 Pro, the company’s latest top-end tablet in the P series in India after it was introduced back in September last year. It has an 11.5-inch 2K OLED display with a resolution of 2560 x 1600, that supports both HDR10 and Dolby Vision. Enhancing the media viewing experience are four JBL speakers with 2.5cc chambers and support for Dolby Atmos. It features 13 MP Auto-Focus + 5MP 120° dual rear cameras, 8MP dual front cameras for real-time background blur along with a ToF sensor for face unlock. Continue reading “Lenovo Tab P11 Pro with 11.5-inch 2K OLED display, Dolby Vision, quad speakers, Dolby Atmos launched in India”
Tag: Lenovo Tab P11 Pro
Lenovo Tab P11 Pro with 11.5-inch 2K OLED display, Tab M10 HD Gen 2 and Smart Clock Essential announced
Lenovo has announced their flagship Android tablet, the Tab P11 Pro, feature an 11.5-inch 2K display, Snapdragon 730G Mobile Platform, long battery life and more. Along with this, Lenovo has also announced 3 versions of the M10 HD Gen 2 tablet and Lenovo Smart Clock Essential.