Lenovo launched the Vibe P1m smartphone in India last week. It went on sale on Flipkart through flash sale at 3PM today. Today the company said that it sold 14,000 units of Vibe P1m smartphones in less than 10 seconds in the first flash sale. It received over 1, 75,000 registrations registrations for the sale, said Lenovo. Continue reading “14,000 Lenovo Vibe P1m units sold out in 10 seconds in first flash sale on Flipkart”
Tag: Lenovo Vibe P1m
Lenovo Vibe P1m Hands On Impressions
Lenovo on Wednesday launched its affordable smartphone in the Vibe series dubbed the Lenovo Vibe P1m, alongside the mid-range Vibe P1. Priced at Rs. 7,999, the Vibe P1m boasts of a massive 4000mAh battery with support for OTG charging – a feature that lets you use your P1m to charge other devices, and also the quick charging. Continue reading “Lenovo Vibe P1m Hands On Impressions”
Lenovo Vibe P1 vs Vibe P1m – What’s Different?
Lenovo on Wednesday launched its big battery smartphones in India – the Lenovo Vibe P1 and the Vibe P1m, priced at Rs. 15,999 and Rs. 7,999 respectively. Apart from carrying a huge battery inside, the two Lenovo smartphones are very different in every other aspect. Continue reading “Lenovo Vibe P1 vs Vibe P1m – What’s Different?”
Lenovo announces Vibe P1 with 5,000mAh battery and P1m with 4,000mAh battery
Lenovo along with the Vibe S1 has announced the Vibe P1 and P1m at its press conference in Berlin during the on-going IFA trade show.
The unique selling point for both the device is its long lasting batteries. The Vibe P1 and P1m has an unique OTG Charging function using which you can charge other USB-connected devices, such as Bluetooth headsets and portable speakers. Both the smartphones carry the same design language. Continue reading “Lenovo announces Vibe P1 with 5,000mAh battery and P1m with 4,000mAh battery”