Lenovo has launched two new tablet PCs in India with detachable Bluetooth keyboards, namely the Yoga Duet 7i and IdeaPad Duet 3. They feature up to an 11th Gen Intel processor with integrated graphics, support for Lenovo E-Color Pen and more.
Tag: Lenovo Yoga Duet 7i
Lenovo introduces Yoga Duet 7i, IdeaPad Duet 3i and Smart Tab M10 FHD Plus (2nd Gen)
Lenovo has launched 3 new products: the Lenovo Yoga Duet 7i with the Lenovo E-Color Pen and the Lenovo IdeaPad Duet 3i with digital pen, both of which are detachable Windows laptops aimed at student creators and digital creators, and they also launched the Smart Tab M10 FHD Plus (2nd Gen) with Alexa Built-in, that comes with a smart dock for easy video calls.