Lenovo just announced the Z5 Pro, the company’s latest mid-range smartphone in the ‘Z series’ in China, as it had promised. It has a 6.39-inch Full HD+ Super AMOLED 19.5:9 aspect ratio display with 2.07mm ultra narrow bezels and 95.06% screen-to-body ratio. It has a slider design that hides the 16-megapixel front camera, earpiece and the 8-megapixel IR face unlock. The company says that the sliding mechanism has been tested to last 300,000 times. It comes with an in-display fingerprint sensor. Continue reading “Lenovo Z5 Pro with 6.39-inch FHD+ AMOLED display, Snapdragon 710, 6GB RAM, Slider design, in-display fingerprint sensor announced”
Tag: Lenovo Z5 Pro
Lenovo Z5 Pro with full-screen display, slide-out design, in-display fingerprint sensor to be announced on November 1
After the Z5 and S5 Pro, Lenovo is all set to introduce the Z5 Pro smartphone in China. The company’s CEO Chang Cheng has announced that the phone will be introduced on November 1st. He also posted a teaser of the smartphone that reveals a slide-out design, which is the latest trend in smartphone. The design reduces the bezels, offering high screen-to-body ratio.