LG launched its G Flex 2 smartphone in India at the LG Tech Show in Delhi back in March. Today the company has announced that the second generation G Flex smartphone is available across India. It has a 5.5-inch 1080p curved P-OLED display and the smartphone can bend ranging from a radius of 400mm to 700mm across the front, back, sides and top-to-bottom edges. Continue reading “LG G Flex 2 goes on sale in India for Rs. 54990”
Tag: LG G Flex 2 Price
LG G Flex 2 launched in India for Rs. 55000
LG has launched its G Flex 2 smartphone with a 5.5-inch 1080p curved P-OLED display in India at the LG Tech Show in Delhi. The display of the second generation G Flex smartphone can bend ranging from a radius of 400mm to 700mm across the front, back, sides and top-to-bottom edges. Check out our LG G Flex 2 hands-on. Continue reading “LG G Flex 2 launched in India for Rs. 55000”
LG G Flex 2 launches in the UK March 19, pre-orders open Feb 12
The LG G Flex 2 was announced almost a month ago at CES 2015 and shortly after we heard that it was coming to the UK as a Vodafone exclusive for six weeks. Since then, there’s been very little information about a release date but now it has been revealed the handset will launch in the UK on March 19th with pre-orders opening on February 12th. Continue reading “LG G Flex 2 launches in the UK March 19, pre-orders open Feb 12”
LG G Flex 2 launching in Korea on Jan 30th, price revealed
LG unveiled the G Flex 2 smartphone, the second phone in the G Flex series at the CES earlier this month. It went on pre-order in Germany last week, today LG has announced that the G Flex 2 would launch in Korea on January 30th. The G Flex 2 has a 5.5-inch 1080p curved P-OLED display that can bend ranging from a radius of 400mm to 700mm across the front, back, sides and top-to-bottom edges. Continue reading “LG G Flex 2 launching in Korea on Jan 30th, price revealed”
LG G Flex 2 pre-order opens in Germany
The LG G Flex 2 was only announced last week but the handset is already up for pre-order with Amazon Germany. The German arm of the global online giant is offering the G Flex 2 for €599, which is substantially cheaper than the G Flex which originally went up for pre-order at €850 but the retailer hasn’t listed a shipping date. Continue reading “LG G Flex 2 pre-order opens in Germany”