LG announced their flagship G2 nearly a month back and it is being showcased in IFA 2013 in Berlin. LG G2 runs on Snapdragon 800 and has a 5.2inch Full HD Tru IPS display. Along with the many features that LG introduced in its G2, we brought you the live demo of Knock On feature, here is the OIS demo.
Tag: LG G2 Knock On
LG G2 Knock On Feature Demo
It seems that LG is taking a leaf out of Samsung’s book with the new LG G2 smartphone coming with a range of new software-based features, each of which comes with its own name for clever marketing gimmicks. One of these features is Knock On, which is exclusive to the LG G2 and was on show at IFA 2013.
Similar to the double-tap to wake feature on Nokia Lumia smartphones, such as the Nokia Lumia 1020, Knock On allows you to wake your device from sleep with a double tap on the screen. LG rely on sensors to register the motion and we found that Knock On is actually a quite handy feature to have, especially as the LG G2 has the power button on the back.
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