LG has unveiled the LG G3 Cat.6 (Category 6), a variant of the LG G3 with Qualcomm Snapdragon 805 SoC and support for faster LTE-A up to 225 Mbps with Qualcomm Gobi 9×35 LTE Advanced Cat 6 Modem. Samsung unveiled the Galaxy S5 broadband LTE-A with a similar processor, LTE-A support and 5.1-inch (2560 x1440 pixels) Quad HD Super AMOLED display in Korea last month. Continue reading “LG G3 Cat.6 with 5.5-inch Quad HD display, Snapdragon 805 announced”
Tag: LG G3 Cat.6
LG G3 Prime (G3 Cat.6) with Snapdragon 805 pre-booking begins in Korea
Last month Samsung launched the Galaxy S5 broadband LTE-A in Korea with Snapdragon 805 and support for LTE Advanced with support for download speed of up to 225 Mbps. Now the LG G3 variant called LG G3 Cat.6 with support for faster LTE-A up to 225 Mbps is available for pre-booking in Korea on LG bestmall. It just collects personal details, but the pricing and its availability are not available yet. Continue reading “LG G3 Prime (G3 Cat.6) with Snapdragon 805 pre-booking begins in Korea”