LG just launched its flagship G6 smartphone at an event in India, as it had promised. It was introduced at MWC 2017 event in Barcelona back in February and packs 13-megapixel dual rear cameras with dual-tone LED flash, OIS 2.0, manual mode, 125-degree lens for secondary camera and a secondary 5-megapixel front camera with 100-degree wide angle lens.
Tag: LG G6 price India
LG G6 said to launch in India for Rs. 51990, go on sale from April 29
LG today started pre-bookings for its flagship G6 smartphone ahead of launch on April 21st. It also announced special offers including up to Rs. 7000 cash back. Now Mumbai-based retailer Mahesh Telecom has revealed that the G6 will launch at Rs. 51,990 (MOP) and will be available 29th April, before the Samsung Galaxy S8 and S8+ go on sale on May 5th. Continue reading “LG G6 said to launch in India for Rs. 51990, go on sale from April 29”